
V V Srinivas S - MBA, Certified Career Analyst, Certified Counsellor for Study Abroad, ICF Life & Executive Coach

V V Srinivas S

MBA, Certified Career Analyst, Certified Counsellor for Study Abroad, ICF Life & Executive Coach


Experience: 3 yrs

About Counsellor:

  • V.V.Srinivas known as VV is a MBA graduate, Certified Career Analyst, Certified Career Counsellor for International Study, ICF CCE, Certified Life & Executive Coach,   provided Career guidance for almost 600+ students, supported many students from Govt., schools and empowered them in choosing their right career path, also supported may students for their Abroad Study across many crounties

  • Is passionate about providing career guidance to STUDENTS & PROFESSIONALS, empowering women to make them grow in both personal & professional life, also passionate about Coaching and Mentoring. Is very approachable, emotional empathy to connect, builds confidence and maintains great people connect
  • Prior to above, he was an accomplished professional with 18+ years in US Mortgage Industry in Middle Management handling Resource Management, Performance Management, Client Relationship Management & Operations Management. He was also involved in Diversity & Inclusion implementation and he was CSR Champion







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  • One Detailed Counselling Session
  • 1 Hour Counselling Duration
  • 22+ Pages Detailed Career Report
  • 1 Week Post Counselling Support
  • 5 Dimensional Career Assessment included
  • Motivational Session
  • Study Techniques


  • Detailed Professional Profile Analysis
  • One Detailed Counselling Session
  • 22+ Pages Detailed Career Report
  • 1 Week Post Counselling Support
  • 1 Hour Counselling Duration
  • Career Advancement Recommendations
  • Motivational Session
  • Interview Preparation Support
  • IELTS Exam Guidance
  • IELTS Exam Guidance

Abroad Studies

  • Abroad Studies Profiling
  • Best Colleges Recommendations


V V Srinivas S - MBA, Certified Career Analyst, Certified Counsellor for Study Abroad, ICF Life & Executive Coach
V V Srinivas S - MBA, Certified Career Analyst, Certified Counsellor for Study Abroad, ICF Life & Executive Coach

40 Reviews:

Reviewed by Gowthami P on 27-05-2024

It was a great session. I was impressed by his patience to listen without jumping into judgements and conclusions.Every student requires such guidance in order to sail through a fruitful career. I thank Srinivas garu for helping me in certain aspects where I was completely confused. These sessions helped me in the process of choosing right path.

Reviewed by Marrapu Yashwanth on 20-05-2024

It was an excellent interaction with srinivas sir and he had analysed me. I feel more difference compared to carrer counsellings i had attented before. There are no words to express. It was an amazing session and I had learnt a lot of knowledge related to carrer analysis which entirely different from carrer counselling.

Reviewed by Bhupathi Snigdha on 16-05-2024

Sir had given me a detailed analysis of my personality and the occupation or career paths that suit my personality. After the session I got a clarity on what to do. I am really happy that this counselling program has helped me

Reviewed by Padmanand Bhupathi on 16-05-2024

Before attending the session I was really confused regarding my career. VV sir has given me a clarity on all my queries and gave me an analysis on my career interests and also showed me various options to choose within. Over-all, I am actually very happy that I've attended counselling session with VV sir.

Reviewed by kunal oleti on 05-05-2024

It was worth it!!. He gave me detailed report of what I can do(career options) in the future which actually helped me a lot as I was confused which career to choose. I definitely think all students should attend such career counselling as it will help them a lot.